The real random number generation is a critical problem in computer science. The current generation methods are ei-ther too dangerous or too expensive, such as using decays of some radioactive elements. They are also hard to con-trol. By the declaration of uncertainty principles in quantum mechanics, real probabilistic events can be substituted by easier and safer processes, such as electron diffraction, photon diffraction and qubits. The key to solve the problem of Schrödinger’s cat is to identify that the atom stays in different states after and before the decay, and the result of the decay is probabilistic according to the wave packet collapse hypothesis. Same matter is able to possess different kinds of properties such as wave-particle duality due to that it can stay in various states, and which state will the matter stay is determined by the chosen set of physical quantities (or mechanical quantities). One eigenstate of a set of physical quantities can be a superposition of other eigenstates of different sets of physical quantities, and the col-lapse from a superposition to an eigenstate it contains is really random. Using this randomness, real random number can be generated more easily.