A log-periodic antenna can provide directivity and gain when operating in a wide band. The log-periodic antenna is used in many applications where wide bandwidth is required along with direct and medium gain. This research implements a sequential approach to the design and simulation of the performance of a printed log-periodic dipole antenna (LPDA) capable of operating in the 1800 MHz frequency range. The advantage of this antenna is the compactness and easy integration into planar circuits suitable for applications requiring wide bandwidth and high gain. The dimension of the designed antenna was originally calculated taking high frequency as 1885 MHz and low frequency as 1805 MHz, then modeled using HFSS-13 electromagnetic simulation to determine the effect of substrate dielectric properties on dipole width and length for element optimization. The design was verified by creating and measuring S11 and radiation dia-grams. The designed antenna has a total gain of 7.9dB and a wide bandwidth.